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Neuromuscular Disease Specialist

Devanshi Gupta, MD -  - Neurology

North Texas Neurology & Neuropathy

Devanshi Gupta, MD

Neurology & Neuropathy serving Allen, McKinney, Garland, Sherman, Frisco, TX, and the surrounding areas

Devanshi Gupta, MD, FAAN, FAANEM, of North Texas Neurology & Neuropathy in Allen, Texas, specializes in neurology, clinical neurophysiology, neuromuscular disease, and electrodiagnostic medicine. If you’re experiencing symptoms, Dr. Gupta performs neuromuscular testing and creates an individualized treatment plan to manage your condition and improve your quality of life. Call the office or request an appointment online to learn more about the treatment options for neuromuscular diseases.

Neuromuscular Disease Q & A

What is a neuromuscular disease?

The neuromuscular disease affects the peripheral nerves which control sensation, voluntary muscles, and automatic body functions, being conduits of connections between the brain and spinal cord with the rest of the body. You have voluntary and involuntary muscles that make us do what the brain dictates or reflexively. When neurons (nerve cells) no longer communicate effectively with your brain, your muscles can weaken and atrophy.

Neuromuscular disorders are sometimes genetic and begin in childhood; other times, they develop during adulthood, often as autoimmune diseases. They affect your ability to move your arms and legs, create difficulty swallowing or breathing, and cause painful sensations throughout your body. Neuromuscular disorders may make it difficult or even impossible to function normally.

What are the different types of neuromuscular diseases?

The most common neuromuscular diseases include:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Myopathy
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Spinal muscular atrophy

Although there is currently no cure for some neuromuscular disorders, it’s possible to effectively treat their symptoms and delay their progression, maximizing your quality of life. When Dr. Gupta diagnoses your specific type of neuromuscular disease, your individualized treatment options may include medications, physical, occupational and speech therapies.

More about ALS 

Every year, approximately 5,600 Americans are diagnosed with the neuromuscular disease ALS, and up to 30,000 people suffer from its debilitating effects.  

How are neuromuscular diseases diagnosed?

Dr. Gupta is specially trained in neuromuscular disease, clinical neurophysiology, and electrodiagnostic medicine, so she can provide a comprehensive assessment of your specific condition.

For your convenience, she provides diagnostic testing services at the Allen, Texas clinic, including electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS), Skin Biopsies for Small Fiber Neuropathies. Dr. Gupta often recommends a combination of these tests to provide the most detailed diagnosis.

An EMG measures the electrical activity of your muscles, while a nerve conduction velocity test measures how fast your nerves send these electrical signals, or impulses, to your muscles. If you have problems with your nerves or muscles, your muscles may react abnormally to the electrical impulses, causing weakness, for example.

Both the EMG and the NCS tests can indicate the kind and extent of disease, further deciding and dictating diagnostic testing and treatment.

To learn more about neuromuscular diseases, or to schedule diagnostic testing, call North Texas Neurology & Neuropathy or book an appointment online. These tests are offered without consultation if the referring physicians request it

To learn more about neuromuscular diseases, or to schedule diagnostic testing, call North Texas Neurology & Neuropathy or book an appointment online.

North Texas Neurology & Neuropathy proudly serves the neighborhoods of Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Allen, Richardson, and the Greater Dallas Area.

North Texas Neurology & Neuropathy proudly serves the neighborhoods of Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Allen, Richardson, and the Greater Dallas Area.